For those of you who have not heard the news, <a href=""> some awesome guy</a> is attempting to eat nothing but Chipotle burritos for an entire week. Yes, you read that correctly...a Chipotle burrito for every single meal of the day for SEVEN straight days. That's at 21 burritos in a week! The guy says that he is doing it for charity, but I don't buy it. He's just being humble. I'm sure he's just doing because he's awesome and wants everyone else to know the extent of his awesomeness.
As far as I'm concerned, this guy is, basically, a man among boys as I'm not certain there are very many people who could put their bowels through the delicious torture he is about to attempt. Ohh and let us not forget that he is basically doubling his caloric intake for a weeks time period.
How this guy is going to finish is beyond me, as I'm perfectly happy not eating for a week having only consumed one Chipotle burrito.
Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous
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