Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Raddest F**king Dude...Possibly Ever!

For those of you who have not heard the news, <a href=""> some awesome guy</a> is attempting to eat nothing but Chipotle burritos for an entire week. Yes, you read that correctly...a Chipotle burrito for every single meal of the day for SEVEN straight days. That's at 21 burritos in a week! The guy says that he is doing it for charity, but I don't buy it. He's just being humble. I'm sure he's just doing because he's awesome and wants everyone else to know the extent of his awesomeness.

As far as I'm concerned, this guy is, basically, a man among boys as I'm not certain there are very many people who could put their bowels through the delicious torture he is about to attempt. Ohh and let us not forget that he is basically doubling his caloric intake for a weeks time period.

How this guy is going to finish is beyond me, as I'm perfectly happy not eating for a week having only consumed one Chipotle burrito.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Watch out Ebay

Lately, there has been a relative influx of websites which seem to be the ultimate in deals and act as though they are going to threaten ebay's dominance in the online auction site industry. A good example of such a webesite is:

Go on won't bite you. Now look around. Pretty good deal huh? Seems too good to be true, though, right?

The reason I'm posting this site is that I wanted to express my love for this idea. I promise these deals are real. For example: at the time of writing, someone had just won a brand new Xbox 360 Elite for $88.38...which retail for $300.

The way this site makes it's money is through the bids. Bid, typically, increase by $.01 per bid and have a cost. If bought individually, they are about $1 per bid. While you can buy bids in bulk, at a reduced cost (like 200 for $150)'s easier to just assume $1 per bid. So on BigDeal's end, they were just paid $8,838 in bids plus the $88.38 the final winner paid for the box, brining them to a grand total of $8,900+ for a $300 toy. As far as I'm concerned, this is an absolutely brilliant business move. Sure it's just legalized gambling, but people can certainly get outstanding deals, as the person who won the Xbox saved, probably $200 (assuming they bid about 20 times)

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous


Thanks to the wonderful gift from the internet Gods, I am able to lazily click a button in my browser and be magically taken to a random website that suites my interests. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, go to, download the plugin, sign up for an account and prepare to have your free time and your time normally dedicated to productivity wash away in a never ending bliss of websites. That being said, this morning my stumble button took me to a picture that I found to be rather interesting:

Good ad...but I feel as though it completely misses it's point as my response would be: hell yes I would.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

100 Cupcakes Game

Robin Dahlberg, who is apparently awesome, decided that greatest and best use of her time was to make and decorate 100 cupcakes. However, these are not just any ordinary cupcake decorations, nay, these cupcakes are all game related (card, video and board). Thankfully, when she made the website, dedicated to these 100 cupcakes, she left the names of all the game hidden so people could try to guess each game. Despite my dismay at her use of a few truly obscure games, I still thoroughly enjoyed having to think back to my childhood to come up with the games' names.

Try it out for yourself:

By the way, I got 88 correct.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Want to make your eyes hurt? Just add Tetris!

A friend of mine, knowing my affection for Tetris, sent me a link for an online game. The game is called First Person Tetris, and it is very very fun...but it also will make your eyes hurt...a lot. With out ruining much, the game looks like regular Tetris (the one from the NES for you gamers out there) however, the 'first person' aspect means that you are basically the different shapes. When you attempt to 'rotate' your piece, to fit that line piece nicely in the corner for a Tetris, the entire game board will rotate around the piece.

After having re-read the last line, I realized that the description I just gave did not do the game justice, you can try it out for yourself.

Ohh...and I'm not a doctor or anything...but I'm pretty certain that prolonged exposure to this game could cause long term damages. So consider this your warning.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why I love the Internet

I love the internet because of pictures like this. Congratulations internet you have once again won over my heart.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Carl vs. Big Mac

For what seems like a years, Carls Jr. has been advertising their Big Carl hamburger. In case you live in a cave, the advertisements are pretty consistently direct comparisons with McDonalds' Big Mac. There is, obviously, the subjective words thrown around, "'s tastier too," and the like, but those are to be expected. There is also, the obligatory shot of the burger, looking way better than one that will ever be served to you. However, where the Big Carl seems to be putting a lot of focus is how it looks compared to the Big Mac. Again...for you people who live in a cave:

Well, some dude from Rancho Cordova, decided to set out and see if there is any truth in advertising.

The final figures:

Big Carl: $2.50 - 10.4oz
Big Mac: $3.39 - 7.2oz

From the top..the Big Carl certainly seems to hold up it's end of the bargain. However...

The most interesting thing about this is that the Big Mac's third slice of bread (the one the middle) doesn't even matter. The Big Mac would still be taller than the Big Carl with out it!

Anyway, I'm not a fast food fan (except for In 'n Out) so I doubt I'll ever get around to doing a side by side taste test...but still, what the hell CJ's?

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Y Chromosome Wins Again!

A friend of mine sent me this article about how two scientists (male and female) have found that the Y chromosome is evolving faster than any other part of the human genetic code.

This is apparently a big shock to the science community (or to no one). Supposedly, previous research suggested that the Y chromosome was shrinking and would die off in 50,000 years. One particular quote that struck me as odd, however, was, "It's kind of fun to say that men are going to die out, but the science is proving — now that we've got data — that that's not true at all." This was spoken by Dr. Hughes (the female scientist) and was said right before she made out with a female colleague.*

Since when is it fun to suggest that men might die out? It is posteriors to suggest that a world might be better off with out men. All food would have to be hunted/picked the day it was used because without men, who is going to open the jars of food? The technology industry would die out in less than 10 years. With no guys around there would be no one to hook up a new TV or plug in a new computer. In this 'fun' world of Dr. Hughes, who is going to make sure that awesome things like football, arm wrestling and scotch drinking continues? I posit that a world with out men is a dark, depressing world.

*The article doesn't exactly say that she made out with her female colleague but I one of those people who can read between the lines

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Word Choices

As someone who has a history of writing for the public (my time at The Phat Phree as well as my blog) I know what writers go through to make sure that the correct words are used to properly convey a message. The usage of the wrong word and you risk losing some of your's part of the reason that proper grammar is still necessary, even though AIM users might argue otherwise. That being said, I came across a very interesting article this afternoon about faults with in human thought:

The reason of my posting this is not to induce thought provoking discussion, but rather because I thought #8 was amazingly hilarious. On the surface, #8 talks about Pareidolia, an occurance of seeing something significant in a random item or place...think of the people who see Jesus' face in toast and think it's divine intervention (much like the picture from the website).

Now the author, Nikki, could have left her (I'm assuming it's a her) relatively well written segment about pareidolia alone; however, she felt the need to introduce a brief synopsis of the Rorschach Test...further referring to those who take the test as 'testees.' Now, I am fully aware that 'testees' is the correct nomenclature for referring to a test taker, however, I am certainly not above laughing at the name. Additionally, I am not above laughing at the last line of the section: "Responses are analyzed to discover the testee’s hidden thoughts." To which I thought to myself: I'm fairly certain my 'testees' have only one thought, and my guess is that it is not a secret.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

How Tough are NES Games?

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret...I'm a big fan of video games. Beyond that I'm a big of the NES as I belive it to be the greatest gaming console of all time. When I came across this video, I thought it would be a perfect time to see how Posterous deals with video...specifically, Youtube videos. Ideally, when this is posted, it will have the video nice and neatly embedded at the bottom of my post.

Regardless of how Posterous deals with this video, I thought it interesting none the less. Sure, marvelous advances in the way games are played (or more specifically, stored) have been made possible through the change over from cartridges to discs. However, that change over comes at the cost of longevity. There is certainly something to be said about the fact that my original copy of Battletoads (for the NES) still works (20 years later) and my copy of Halo 3 (2+ years old), sometimes freezes in the middle of the game.

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Cloudy with a Chance of Bacon!

So last night I was forced to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Without sugarcoating it...the movie was far from good. It was barely verging on unwatchable. Granted, I'm sure kids would love the movie, but most kids are dumb. They can't even drink or drive or do basic algebra. So who cares what they think? Anyway, my dislike for the movie was not purely one-sided; rather, there were a couple of saving graces.

Going into the movie I understood the basic foundation of the movie: some dude invents a way to make it rain food...specifically meatballs. However, never, in my wildest dreams, did I envision that said dude would make it rain the most wondrous of all foods, bacon! When I saw the first slice of perfectly formed, well cooked, bacon fall from the sky and land into the mouth of some lucky resident of Swallow Falls, I felt a tear drop from the corner of my right eye. That tear of joy came from the thought of me frolicking in a land where the meat of kings would simply fall from the sky and right into my mouth. Imagining a world were I had to do nothing more than tilt my head back to receive bacon filled my heart with joy like you couldn't imagine. But gets better! I know what you are thinking, "Jimmy, there is no way this world you've created for me can be any more enjoyable." To which I would say, "Dude! It totally can! Just wait and see!"

So to make this magical world of bacon way better, I offer this caveat, it also includes a monkey...who can talk...and throw it's own feces at other people. Ok...I'll stop for a moment and let you attempt to wrap your mind around the idea of not only having an unending supply of the most magical of meats BUT you also get a monkey, who not only can simply talk, but states what he is doing at all times, AS WELL AS throws his own feces at OTHER people! Yeah I know! It's unfathomable. Had there been Dinosaurs to ride around on as well, I'm pretty sure my head would have exploded....and by pretty sure, I mean there is no other plausible outcome.

Which brings me back to my original point...the movie was dumb. "But Jimmy, you described the most wonderful, glorious and downright delicious land there ever was...what did you not like about the movie?" I'll tell you! The reason I didn't like the movie is because I'm a rational person. As a rational person, I expect others to be rational as well. There were two people involved in the movie who were wildly irrational...and that pisses me off.

First person: The person who named the movie/book (probably the writer). So let me get this straight, you write a script about food falling from the sky (namely bacon) and choose to name it after a sub-par use for beer. Regardless of the fact that Cloudy with a Chance of Bacon is the correct name, clearly if you were going the bovine route, you could have named it something along the lines of: Cloudy with a Chance of Prime Rib or Cloudy with a Chance of Filet Mignon even Cloudy with a Chance of Steak would have been better than Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Second person: Flint Lockwood (the inventor). Flint makes this incredible machine that can make it rain food. Not only that, but it can rain any food product he chooses. What I don't understand why would you ever change it off the bacon setting? Once again I know what you are thinking, "but Jimmy, you'd have to drink something eventually." Well duh! Idiot. I already thought of that! See Flint has the ability to make it rain solids and liquids (as Orange Juice came down with the bacon). Which means that he SHOULD have made it only bacon and scotch.

In the words of my friend Mike, "If pigs didn't want to get eaten, they should have thought of that before they became so delicious.”

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous

Posterous for Serious?

So a friend of mine was recently talking to me about a blog site that didn't need to be up-kept like a typical blog. That is, there is no signing in, no manipulating HTML (let's be honest, those 'formats' that Blogger et al use are horrendously imperfect), no wasted time sending out the new blog to everyone you etc. But rather, apparently, you simply type an email and they create a blog based only on those email. Those blogs are then magically sent through the intertubes to your facebook and twitter accounts. Apparently this blog site is called Posterous...and I'm trying out it out for the first time right now!

If this little experiment works out to my liking...I may just update this regularly. So here's hoping for the best!

Posted via email from Jimmy's posterous